graphic    ceramic    metal     stone    graphic    ceramic     metal    stone    graphic     ceramic    metal    stone     ceramic    
ART ICHOL ~ a creative escape

a platform for creating, sharing and promoting the creative arts.

Art Ichol is a commune where resident artists, craft enthusiasts and talented artisans can collaborate and envisage concepts under open skies and relish the subtle symphonies of nature. The name for Art Ichol is inspired by the neighbouring quaint village of Ichol where the Centre also facilitates skill development and community building.

graphic    ceramic    metal     stone    graphic    ceramic     metal    stone    graphic     ceramic    metal    stone     ceramic    
graphic    ceramic    metal     stone    graphic    ceramic     metal    stone    graphic     ceramic    metal    stone     ceramic    
A multidisciplinary residency

appreciate the beauty and infinite creativity of the Arts

Attracting international artists who engage with the local community and promote sharing and exchange of skills and traditions. In a short span of time Art Ichol has spread its wings both locally and globally. Reviving the cultural legacy of Maihar and villages like Ichol is like nurturing a flower in the middle of an industrialized and rapidly changing region. A close kinship between art and people of the community has developed since the inception of Art Ichol. We see a change in the lives of the women and children.

m o r e m o r e m o r e m o r e m o r e m o r e

A design created
to excite people

Noluisse suscipit interpretaris duo id utamur legendos cum autem iusto ac democritum ne cum. Ne quo consul democritum, legimus probo.
