• 10th MAI Festival

  • Art, Music, Dance and Adda

  • 22nd and 23rd February, 2025

    10th    maihar    art     ichol    festival    junior     maihar    band    symposium     music    drama    stone     art    
    graphic    MAI    MAIHAR     art    ichol    festival     musical    dance    drama     theatre    galaxy    of     musicians    

    The MAI (Maihar Art Ichol) festival is an annual cultural and art festival held at Art Ichol, in Ichol village near Maihar in Madhya Pradesh, India.

    Art Ichol is known for its vibrant arts activities, and the festival celebrates the rich cultural heritage, traditional crafts, and artistic expressions of the region. Maihar is home to the Maihar Gharana of music, founded by Ustad Allauddin Khan, particularly noted for its unique approach to the sitar and sarod.

    Dance and music are key elements of the MAI Festival alongside Visual art. Performances such as traditional folk music and dance forms, as well as contemporary performances, are showcased during the event by musicians and dancers regarded both in India and abroad.

    he MAI Festival is also a celebration of the feminine energy associated with Maa Sharada Devi. The name “MAI” itself evokes reverence for the feminine principle, and it is believed to honour the divine – the creative power of Maa Sharada Devi.

    Now in its 10th year of celebration, the MAI Festival has become a significant event for art lovers, artisans, and tourists, contributing to the broader cultural landscape of India.

    • Inauguration of the Sculpture Pavilion by our guest artist Vanita Gupta.
    • The performance of the year : Galaxy of Musicians by Kathakali School – A Musical Dance Drama Theatre performance.
    • Local sightseeing

    Baba Allauddin Khan’s house
    Visit to the Sharada Devi temple

    • Adda with Artists – A symposium of eminent artists from all over India.

    Kathakali School Presents


    A Musical Dance Drama Theatre Performance

    Duration: 60 mins

    Concept & Direction: Sumesh KS

    Choreography: Kalamandalam Sujatha

    Co-ordination: Kalamandalam Gopalakrishnan

    • Khajuraho – 125 KM
    • Jabalpur – 187 KM
    • Allahabad – 207 KM
    • Maihar – 7 KM
    • Satna – 35 KM
    • Katni – 50 KM

    Tariff for attending the 2 day Festival is Rs. 5,000 / person each day. 
    This includes all programs, Lunch, Dinner and Sightseeing.
    Local transport will be provided by Art Ichol.

    For Registration Go here

    Recommended Hotels for reservations:

    Hotel Vrinda: +91 98 9391 7273 / 96 8557 5860
    Hotel Shubh Karman: +91 62 3267 7233

    For local transport, contact Ms. Seher Chopra: +91 77 4591 6644

    Weather: Chilly evenings, bring warm clothes.

    m o r e m o r e m o r e m o r e m o r e m o r e

    A design created
    to excite people

    Noluisse suscipit interpretaris duo id utamur legendos cum autem iusto ac democritum ne cum. Ne quo consul democritum, legimus probo.
